Talent gives our state a competitive edge.

In Massachusetts, 45% of residents over 25 hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher, the highest of any state. Employers here cite preparing, attracting, and retaining a diverse, skilled talent pool as a top priority. But the changing workplace, especially the rise of remote work, could diminish our region’s crucial advantage.  

Employers seek diverse talent, recognizing that it improves their work and adds value to the bottom line but racial disparities in post-secondary credentials limit the talent pool. Career pathways that open opportunities to students with different backgrounds, including those that involve experiential learning, credentialling, and vocational training, are a piston in the inclusive economy engine.  

At the Chamber, we aim to strengthen our advantage by tapping into the entire talent pool.  

Keying Into Our Untapped Talent

 Essential Skills
 Essential Skills

Create a pathway toward essential skills development for all students, including a credential recognized by employers.

 Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning

Create opportunities for experiential learning, like apprenticeships that lead to permanent positions with upward job growth.


Increase the state’s capacity to provide Career Vocational Technical Education (CVTE).

Link Education and Employers
Link Education and Employers

Connect higher education institutions and employers directly to align the pipeline with needs.

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Massachusetts Apprentice Network

The Massachusetts Apprentice Network convenes employers, training providers, and talent sources interested in developing and implementing apprenticeship programs in occupations across industries and statewide in fields such as tech, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, and more.

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Public Policy
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Petition to Eliminate MCAS Graduation Requirement Would Undermine Quality Education

The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce writes to offer testimony in opposition of H.4252, an initiative petition that would eliminate the requirement that students pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) test
Public Policy
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Skills Coalition Urges Strategic Workforce Investments from FY24

The MBCS is encouraged to see significant investments in skills development, which includes $37,384,105 in proposed funding.
Policy Insights
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Massachusetts Business Coalition on Skills Releases Policy Agenda

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