The Transportation First Series offers a platform to discuss the challenges faced by our region, with the input of experts and changemakers.
2:45pm - 4:30pm
Hybrid | Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Hear from James E. Rooney about the state of the economy, and how it all matters to businesses, residents, and policymakers.
10:00am - 10:30am
Join us for our first Words of Wisdom dinner of the year featuring Callie Crossley, host & commentor at GBH.
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Dorchester Brewing Company
Go deeper than basic DEI training to achieve higher productivity, satisfaction, and revenue growth with our new corporate workshop.
This program is in redevelopment. Click this page for DEI resources.
Our Women’s Leadership Program enables you to take your leadership to the next level by arming you with the most in-demand leadership toolkit.
Our Boston’s Future Leaders (BFL) program provides emerging leaders with a socially conscious and civically engaged leadership toolkit, as well as the opportunity to apply their knowledge through experiential assignments.
City Awake empowers young professionals in a variety of ways that encourages these rising leaders to stay invested in the region’s future success.
We are developing an ecosystem of corporations and partners with the influence and buying power to transform economic inclusion for minority business enterprises (MBEs).
Small businesses are the backbone of the Boston economy. Learn more about the resources available through the Chamber.
BIMA (the Boston Interactive Media Association) serves a vibrant community of like-minded professionals from agencies, brands, publishers, and ad-tech companies with business interests in the New England market.
For 30 years, the Chamber’s Women’s Network has connected female professionals of all background and career levels. Today, our Women’s Network is the largest in New England, strengthening the professional networks of women each year.
The Massachusetts Apprentice Network convenes employers, training providers, and talent sources interested in developing and implementing apprenticeship programs in occupations across industries and statewide in fields such as tech, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, and more.
Explore our mission and values to better understand how we are leading the business community forward.
Our member directory is your resource to discover, connect, and engage with Boston’s businesses from every industry and sector.
The 5G revolution will change the way we live, work, and play. Whereas 4G connected people in new ways, 5G will connect devices in ways that were once unthinkable. New 5G networks will support more devices across industries, including healthcare, education and transportation, improving the livability of our urban environments.
Autonomous vehicles have been navigating some Boston neighborhoods since 2017. But they will become widespread with 5G’s low latency and record-breaking speeds, which are required to share a vehicle’s location, speed and direction, and communicate with an ecosystem of IoT technologies, including other cars, parking meters, parking garages and traffic lights—all in real time. As drivers, we will benefit by spending less time in traffic<a href=file:///C:/Users/hglenn/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/BYCLFFO5/The%20Future%20of%20Boston%20is%205G.docx#_msocom_1 class=msocomanchor id=_anchor_1 language=JavaScript name=_msoanchor_1 ]<hg1] <a href=file:///C:/Users/hglenn/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/BYCLFFO5/The%20Future%20of%20Boston%20is%205G.docx#_msocom_1 class=msocomanchor id=_anchor_1 language=JavaScript name=_msoanchor_1 ]<hg1], and those with mobility challenges will have greater transit options. Our city will benefit from a reduction in car emissions by up to 90% and a decrease vehicle accidents by over 80%.
The 5G revolution will enable innovations in healthcare that make us healthier. For instance, rather than an annual physical, which only tests patients at one moment in time, a new barometer for health might become the accumulation and sharing of health data over the course of the year via wearables. An ultra-high speed 5G network could enable a variety of remote care options: mobile ultra-sound devices to diagnose patients; at-home EKG machines to instantly share heart readings with cardiologists; and remote surgery. These innovations improve efficiency, reduce costs, increase access, and improve outcomes.
The coronavirus has brought the digital divide into stark relieve. Eighteen percent of Boston households do not have a home internet subscription and those from underserved communities are more likely to rely on a mobile device to get online. The 5G revolution will increase accessibility to remote learning and enable new virtual classrooms as Massachusetts school districts plan for the long-term use of virtual instruction. With 5G, technologies like VR will deliver high quality, immersive instruction.
Although we come from a variety of industries and businesses both large and small, all members of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce can appreciate the benefits of 5G. Transportation, healthcare, and education are just a few examples of how better connectivity will spur innovation across industries and improve quality of life. The future Boston truly is 5G.
Our guest blogs are written and produced by organizations within our membership. They are not intended to reflect the views nor opinions of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.
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