The Transportation First Series offers a platform to discuss the challenges faced by our region, with the input of experts and changemakers.
2:45pm - 4:30pm
Hybrid | Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Hear from James E. Rooney about the state of the economy, and how it all matters to businesses, residents, and policymakers.
10:00am - 10:30am
Join us for our first Words of Wisdom dinner of the year featuring Callie Crossley, host & commentor at GBH.
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Dorchester Brewing Company
Go deeper than basic DEI training to achieve higher productivity, satisfaction, and revenue growth with our new corporate workshop.
This program is in redevelopment. Click this page for DEI resources.
Our Women’s Leadership Program enables you to take your leadership to the next level by arming you with the most in-demand leadership toolkit.
Our Boston’s Future Leaders (BFL) program provides emerging leaders with a socially conscious and civically engaged leadership toolkit, as well as the opportunity to apply their knowledge through experiential assignments.
City Awake empowers young professionals in a variety of ways that encourages these rising leaders to stay invested in the region’s future success.
We are developing an ecosystem of corporations and partners with the influence and buying power to transform economic inclusion for minority business enterprises (MBEs).
Small businesses are the backbone of the Boston economy. Learn more about the resources available through the Chamber.
BIMA (the Boston Interactive Media Association) serves a vibrant community of like-minded professionals from agencies, brands, publishers, and ad-tech companies with business interests in the New England market.
For over 30 years, the Chamber’s Women’s Network has connected female professionals of all background and career levels. Today, our Women’s Network is the largest in New England, strengthening the professional networks of women each year.
The Massachusetts Apprentice Network convenes employers, training providers, and talent sources interested in developing and implementing apprenticeship programs in occupations across industries and statewide in fields such as tech, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, and more.
Explore our mission and values to better understand how we are leading the business community forward.
Our member directory is your resource to discover, connect, and engage with Boston’s businesses from every industry and sector.
Boston, MA – This week, the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce is leading a delegation to Washington, D.C. to meet with lawmakers about the importance of federal research funding as part of the national Business for Federal Research Funding (BFRF) Coalition.
While in D.C., Coalition members will engage in a series of meetings with members of Congress, including a bi-partisan Senate Roundtable discussion hosted by Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Senator Gary Peters (D-MI); a meeting with issue experts at the Wilson Center to look at global approaches to funding scientific and medical research; a meeting with Dr. Walter Copan, Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Dr. Frances Córdova, Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF); and meet with members and staff from the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations as well as individual representatives and senators.
“Federal investment in research is fueling the creation of jobs for millions of Americans and spurring key innovation and technological advances,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. “We and other Chambers across the country believe it is important to let our congressional leaders know that investing in federal research is a critical public policy priority for local business communities.”
The Fiscal Year 2019 appropriations process is now underway, and the Coalition is urging Congress to continue to support critical research accounts in the FY19 budget. BFRF focuses on key agencies such as the National Institutes of Health; the National Science Foundation; NASA; and the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, and Homeland Security.
The federal government provides nearly 60 percent of funding for basic scientific research, funding that has played a major role in significant scientific breakthroughs and new technologies, from the Internet to communications satellites and defenses against disease. This activity produces innovations that are at the root of countless companies, products, technologies, and jobs.
Among the BFRF Coalition members participating in the D.C. fly-in are representatives from the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce (MA), the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce (GA), the Colorado Business Roundtable (CO), the Chamber of Business & Industry of Centre County (PA), the Dayton Development Coalition (OH), the MPLS Regional Chamber (MN), the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce (NY), the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia (PA), the Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce (IA), and the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (MO, KS).
About the Business for Federal Research Funding (BFRF) Coalition
The BFRF Coalition is a broad-based coalition of more than 75 U.S. chambers of commerce and business associations that advocate for increased research funding in the federal budget and bring heightened awareness to the critical economic impact that federal research funding has on the nation’s competitiveness. Formed by the Greater Boston Chamber in 2014, BFRF represents a strong cross-section of the nation’s business community, with broad geographic diversity among its members. A full list of coalition members is available here, along with additional information about Business for Federal Research Funding.
About the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce is the convener, voice and advocate of our region’s business community, committed to making Greater Boston the best place for businesses and people to thrive. It helps its members and Greater Boston succeed by convening and connecting the business community; researching, developing and advocating for public policies that contribute to our region’s economic success; and providing comprehensive leadership development programs designed to grow strong business and civic leaders. Learn more at
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