Chamber Statement Celebrates Tax Relief Legislation
October 4, 2023
“I commend Governor Maura Healey, Speaker Mariano, Senate President Spilka, and the Legislature for their leadership in finalizing this historic tax relief package that will benefit generations of residents and communities. Massachusetts must continue to bolster our competitiveness strategy that prioritizes and incentivizes workers, families, and employers to stay and do business in our state. We were pleased to see many of the Chamber’s policy recommendations in the final tax package, and we look forward to continued partnership with legislators and government leaders,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.
September 26, 2023
“I am grateful to Speaker Mariano, Senate President Spilka, Chair Michlewitz, Senator Rodrigues and the conference committee for their work to finalize tax relief legislation for Massachusetts. In January, the Chamber and MassCPAs partnered to present tax reform recommendations to legislative leaders, and our conversations contributed to tax reform changes that will make it easier for people to start, stay, and succeed in Massachusetts. While our work will continue, we are pleased to see many of our policy recommendations and strategies in this tax relief package. This legislation demonstrates that the Legislature prioritizes our state’s workers, employers, and economic competitiveness. As we continue to advance our competitive edge, tax relief and a strong business climate will help ensure that the Commonwealth attracts and retains residents and businesses, especially as other states actively pursue our talent and companies,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.
Media Contact: Casey Baines