Workforce Training Fund Program helps address business productivity and competitiveness by providing resources to Massachusetts businesses to fund training for current and newly hired employees.
Commonwealth Corporation (CommCorp) is a quasi-public agency that was established in 1996 through the merger of two Massachusetts nonprofit organizations: the Industrial Service Program and the Bay State Skills Corporation. The agency is responsible for administering and delivering a wide range of publicly and privately funded programs. CommCorp is governed by a 19-member board of directors that includes leaders from the private sector, organized labor, academia, and government. As a nationally recognized leader in building industry sector partnerships that address the skill needs of specific employers in an industry, CommCorp creates new or expanded capacity in education and training programs for demand occupations. They are committed to ensuring that Massachusetts businesses have access to a pipeline of highly skilled workers and that youth and adults in Massachusetts have pathways to good jobs in the knowledge economy.
Small Business Strong is a leading technical assistance initiative that revitalizes and fortifies small businesses, especially women and minority owned enterprises, through expedited, pro-bono resources. Small Business Strong has served more than 3,600 businesses, preserved nearly 10,000 jobs, and bolstered the health of the region’s small businesses to create an inclusive, dynamic economy.